01 step
STATCOM is a Step less Variable Source of Reactive Power that can provide both Capacitive and Inductive power.
02 step
Contactor Switched Automatic Harmonic Filter Panel (AHPFC)
AHPFC Panel is centralized reactive power compensation with harmonic mitigation.
03 step
Thyristor Switched Automatic Harmonic Filter Panel
RTPFC Panels are ideal for eliminating power factor problems in real time for large systems with fluctuating loads.
04 step
HT Reactors
HT Reactors are made available to the clients in a variety of kinds such as dry type and oil natural cooled.
05 step
MV/HT Harmonic Mitigation & Power Factor Improvement Capacitor Panels
They provide combined solution for Power Factor Improvement and Harmonic Mitigation with convincing Payback/ROI.
06 step
Thyristor Switching Module
Clariant’s Thyristor Switching Module is a fast electronically controlled, self-observing switch for capacitive loads which is capable to switch PFC capacitors within a few milliseconds
Asked Questions
Building for the best.
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Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems
How To Get Your Projects Success ?
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems
Meet Our Professionals ?
Industry Services Company, Industras is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, equipment and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems
A Selection Of Industries We Serve
- Pricing plans
Best Pricing For Industrial & Services
This plan includes online consultation options for all users- Check project
- Prepare documentation
- Working process
- Quality Control System
This plan includes online consultation options for all users- Check project
- Prepare documentation
- Working process
- Quality Control System
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Industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book et iusto odio dignissimos…
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Architecture Is Not Based On Concrete
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Building resilient supply chains for industries
Industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book et iusto odio dignissimos…
How Much Does A Tummy Tuck Cost?
Industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book et iusto odio dignissimos…
+(48) 555-0120-88
2972 Westheimer Rd. Santa Ana, Illinois 85486
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Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-Midday